Saturday, April 15, 2006

my ultimate list of must-haves

One of the best things about living in the city is just that- the city. Sometimes I am taken aback by the simple beauty of Boston, marveling at everything from the Prudential Center to the Boston Common. I love the way the lights over Fenway Park light up the sky, the way the low clouds swallow the top of the Pru on foggy days, the hum of an approaching train on the green line, and the pulse of the city itself.

My guilty pleasure is walking down the street alone late at night, whether it be Huntington or Mass Ave, and just taking in my city. This is one of the few times a Bostonian can fully appreciate where they live, when all the stress and chaos associated with the day is sound asleep. In a city full of so many people, one can finally feel alone in moments like these.
However, regardless of the peace and serenity one may feel during these rare moments, never forget that this IS a city, and be prepared for anything and everything. In light of this, I've made a list of a few "must-haves" for the solo day (or night) out on the town:

~comfortable shoes~ Give the Manolos the night off, this is an Adidas occasion. There's nothing worse than having your feet hurt while trying to enjoy your day- Brad Pitt could walk by and a woman in pain still wouldn't notice, much less muster up the energy to flash a killer smile.

~sunglasses~ Is it cloudy? Rainy? This is New England, kids, and the weather is apt to change quicker than JLo's husbands. You don't want to be constantly squinting or using your hand as a shield from the sun.

~hair tie~ And how do you think those New England clouds move so quickly? Boston is notorious for its windy days. Another easy accessory that may save your day is remembering a simple hair tie.

~camera~ I guarantee that the perfect photo opportunity will come up anytime you do not bring a camera. My advice is to go with the disposable- it's light, cheap, and there is no great risk involved in ruining it. Some of the higher priced ones take really fabulous pictures and include all the same features as a "regular" camera.

~pepper spray~ Simply because you never know. It fits nicely into a purse or coat pocket, and some even come small enough to be used as key chains. (Must-have or not, make sure you have a license! Handcuffs do not qualify as an accessory!)

~chapstick~ If there's one lesson we can learn from Napoleon, it is that we should all remember to carry our chapstick with us. Not to mention the fact that I'm physically (and mentally) addicted to vaseline, which apparently is a proven addiction- of all things to be addicted to, I'm not going to complain. Just don't forget yours.

~money~ Or, at least $1.25. No matter how badly you may get lost (or how badly your feet are killing you), the Boston MBTA is always within walking distance. Those five quarters are your guaranteed ticket home- just hop on any colored line and you'll eventually figure you're way. A basic knowledge of the city's T system may also come in handy before hitting the streets.

~dunkin donuts gift card~ Just because.

Easy enough, right? Few enough items to fit in even your smallest clutch (although I don't recommend dragging that around the city either- better make it a tote or shoulder bag).

As an example, I emptied out the main contents of my purse. Yes, I know, I'm missing a few of my own "must have" items, but we'll just prented for now.

Clearly I have the camera, since that was being used to take the picture. I was also using the hair tie at the time, but I really do need to learn to carry a spare. Same thing with chapstick- I usually keep it in my pocket, but I need to learn to keep a spare in my purse.

Now, clearly, I'm not going to carry comfy shoes, but you get the idea.

And yes, that is a picture of Lenny Dinardo sticking out of my wallet. Never leave home without it.

And yes...that's a shot glass. From Paris. I don't know why it's there either.

(Oh, and while we're on the topic of purses....

Best accessory in the world, compliments of your friendly security member of the Fenway Park staff. If you get one, just leave it on. It's kind of like your first 21+ bracelet- it's a symbol, a sign, and a little piece of "flare" about your passion.)


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