Sunday, April 16, 2006

au revoir

Ok....last post. Well, last "official" post, as the semester comes to an end and I prepare to get burried alive in my finals.
I hope everyone who has been keeping up with my blog has enjoyed it to some extent. I know I had a great time keeping it up- it never seemed like doing it was work. I defiantly have more respect for those everyday bloggers who do it just for fun- I had NO idea how much time and effort went into it. But, as I said, it was all worth it.
Fashion conscious as I already was, I find myself noticing more and more stuff on the streets which I may not have picked up on before. People watching has gone from a hobby to an obsession. I love to make mental comments on outfits, styles and failed attempts, and somehow incorporate them into my blog. I tried to be as humorous as possible, and as you can probably tell, to really speak from the heart.
Having a public place to vent and make announcements has really been a great part of the experience. Not every little thing has followed fashion, as you can tell, allowing me to just rant and rave about little things in life that get to me.
Like avatars. Those STILL make me very upset.
I appreciate everyone who has commented, either online or to me in person. It made me feel great to know that SO many people are reading this! Great, and a little sketched out- don't you people have lives? Kidding, kidding, I love my adoring fans
Regardless to this whole "last post" thing, I'm defiantly going to try to keep my blog going. I doubt I'll post as frequently as I do now, but we'll see what happens. Afterall, summer is coming, and that opens up a whole new world of style- and many many many more fashion don't. Oh it's going to be fun.
My writing has improved tremendously through this blog. I've learned to write more casually, speak from my heart, and insert my opinion much better. Clearly, this blog is ALL opinion and it's almost impossible not to make that clear, but in my other writing, I have found that I have really improved.
On a serious note, I think that blogs are really important in today's world. The technology clearly allows people to have an outlet, a way of expressing and sharing their thoughts and feelings with the world, and I find that unspeakably important. I don't, however, consider bloggers to be journalists, being that I see the two mediums as black and white. I won't go into the song and dance about WHY bloggers should not be considered professionals (with the exception of a few) but, through this experiment, I have solidified my opinion.
Anyways...this bring out "good-bye" blog to an end. Although, I promise, it's not really good-bye. Keep this page bookmarked, and use it to stalk me throughout the summer. But now....ready? Get out the tissues...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sara, that was a beautiful ending. I've really enjoyed it. I wish you would continue through the summer - I'm sure you will. Keep me updated with Boston fashion =) BTW, I love Sinatra's my way. It is one of my favorite songs. Love ya, Narae

2:40 PM  

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