Sunday, April 16, 2006

au revoir

Ok....last post. Well, last "official" post, as the semester comes to an end and I prepare to get burried alive in my finals.
I hope everyone who has been keeping up with my blog has enjoyed it to some extent. I know I had a great time keeping it up- it never seemed like doing it was work. I defiantly have more respect for those everyday bloggers who do it just for fun- I had NO idea how much time and effort went into it. But, as I said, it was all worth it.
Fashion conscious as I already was, I find myself noticing more and more stuff on the streets which I may not have picked up on before. People watching has gone from a hobby to an obsession. I love to make mental comments on outfits, styles and failed attempts, and somehow incorporate them into my blog. I tried to be as humorous as possible, and as you can probably tell, to really speak from the heart.
Having a public place to vent and make announcements has really been a great part of the experience. Not every little thing has followed fashion, as you can tell, allowing me to just rant and rave about little things in life that get to me.
Like avatars. Those STILL make me very upset.
I appreciate everyone who has commented, either online or to me in person. It made me feel great to know that SO many people are reading this! Great, and a little sketched out- don't you people have lives? Kidding, kidding, I love my adoring fans
Regardless to this whole "last post" thing, I'm defiantly going to try to keep my blog going. I doubt I'll post as frequently as I do now, but we'll see what happens. Afterall, summer is coming, and that opens up a whole new world of style- and many many many more fashion don't. Oh it's going to be fun.
My writing has improved tremendously through this blog. I've learned to write more casually, speak from my heart, and insert my opinion much better. Clearly, this blog is ALL opinion and it's almost impossible not to make that clear, but in my other writing, I have found that I have really improved.
On a serious note, I think that blogs are really important in today's world. The technology clearly allows people to have an outlet, a way of expressing and sharing their thoughts and feelings with the world, and I find that unspeakably important. I don't, however, consider bloggers to be journalists, being that I see the two mediums as black and white. I won't go into the song and dance about WHY bloggers should not be considered professionals (with the exception of a few) but, through this experiment, I have solidified my opinion.
Anyways...this bring out "good-bye" blog to an end. Although, I promise, it's not really good-bye. Keep this page bookmarked, and use it to stalk me throughout the summer. But now....ready? Get out the tissues...

the NEW best jacket ever

Ok, so remember what I was saying before? About my North Face jacket which I loved so much? Well, don't worry, nothing has chnged in my love and devotion to that prticular item, but I think we have a new champ in the jacket department.

That's right, this is my NEW AUTHENTIC BOSTON RED SOX JACKET!!

And when I say "authentic" I don't mean I bought it from Bob's Store. Nonono, this one is from the actual Red Sox, and the exact same one the players wear. How'd I get it? Just one of the perks in working for the organization.

I really have no stylish comments on this, I just love it. It's my new baby. And maybe I wanted to show it off a little. Maybe...

Saturday, April 15, 2006

my ultimate list of must-haves

One of the best things about living in the city is just that- the city. Sometimes I am taken aback by the simple beauty of Boston, marveling at everything from the Prudential Center to the Boston Common. I love the way the lights over Fenway Park light up the sky, the way the low clouds swallow the top of the Pru on foggy days, the hum of an approaching train on the green line, and the pulse of the city itself.

My guilty pleasure is walking down the street alone late at night, whether it be Huntington or Mass Ave, and just taking in my city. This is one of the few times a Bostonian can fully appreciate where they live, when all the stress and chaos associated with the day is sound asleep. In a city full of so many people, one can finally feel alone in moments like these.
However, regardless of the peace and serenity one may feel during these rare moments, never forget that this IS a city, and be prepared for anything and everything. In light of this, I've made a list of a few "must-haves" for the solo day (or night) out on the town:

~comfortable shoes~ Give the Manolos the night off, this is an Adidas occasion. There's nothing worse than having your feet hurt while trying to enjoy your day- Brad Pitt could walk by and a woman in pain still wouldn't notice, much less muster up the energy to flash a killer smile.

~sunglasses~ Is it cloudy? Rainy? This is New England, kids, and the weather is apt to change quicker than JLo's husbands. You don't want to be constantly squinting or using your hand as a shield from the sun.

~hair tie~ And how do you think those New England clouds move so quickly? Boston is notorious for its windy days. Another easy accessory that may save your day is remembering a simple hair tie.

~camera~ I guarantee that the perfect photo opportunity will come up anytime you do not bring a camera. My advice is to go with the disposable- it's light, cheap, and there is no great risk involved in ruining it. Some of the higher priced ones take really fabulous pictures and include all the same features as a "regular" camera.

~pepper spray~ Simply because you never know. It fits nicely into a purse or coat pocket, and some even come small enough to be used as key chains. (Must-have or not, make sure you have a license! Handcuffs do not qualify as an accessory!)

~chapstick~ If there's one lesson we can learn from Napoleon, it is that we should all remember to carry our chapstick with us. Not to mention the fact that I'm physically (and mentally) addicted to vaseline, which apparently is a proven addiction- of all things to be addicted to, I'm not going to complain. Just don't forget yours.

~money~ Or, at least $1.25. No matter how badly you may get lost (or how badly your feet are killing you), the Boston MBTA is always within walking distance. Those five quarters are your guaranteed ticket home- just hop on any colored line and you'll eventually figure you're way. A basic knowledge of the city's T system may also come in handy before hitting the streets.

~dunkin donuts gift card~ Just because.

Easy enough, right? Few enough items to fit in even your smallest clutch (although I don't recommend dragging that around the city either- better make it a tote or shoulder bag).

As an example, I emptied out the main contents of my purse. Yes, I know, I'm missing a few of my own "must have" items, but we'll just prented for now.

Clearly I have the camera, since that was being used to take the picture. I was also using the hair tie at the time, but I really do need to learn to carry a spare. Same thing with chapstick- I usually keep it in my pocket, but I need to learn to keep a spare in my purse.

Now, clearly, I'm not going to carry comfy shoes, but you get the idea.

And yes, that is a picture of Lenny Dinardo sticking out of my wallet. Never leave home without it.

And yes...that's a shot glass. From Paris. I don't know why it's there either.

(Oh, and while we're on the topic of purses....

Best accessory in the world, compliments of your friendly security member of the Fenway Park staff. If you get one, just leave it on. It's kind of like your first 21+ bracelet- it's a symbol, a sign, and a little piece of "flare" about your passion.)

Friday, April 14, 2006

all that glitters

Ugly alert.

Target, you know I love you, but the course of true love never did run smooth. Especially you, Isaac. I love you with all my heart, m'dear, but these things do happen. You can't be perfect all the time, so I understand the hiccups.

There is no excuse for this coat to exist.

I'm sorry- not cute. On anyone. I saw it and almost burst out laughing. And let's face it- to laugh in the face of an item from Target, well...That's pretty low. These pieces of clothing don't always keep good company, and I'm sorry, but this jacket stands out for how horrid it is.

The fit, the fabric, the glam, the price- it's just all wrong. So very very wrong.

I had my "model" try on the jacket for me so I could post it up here and we could all have a good laugh. She looked like some sort of magician on New Year's Eve, clearly drunk even before hitting the closet.

But it gets worse.

The jacket appeared in Target ads. Then I saw it walk by me on the street. Then in Lucky magazine!

"Here's a Great Find:
This silver coat looks like it came from a chic little shop in Paris- it
have that class, wear-it-forever shape and and a glamorous tactile

Um....what? Come again? have they actually LOOKED at the jacket? Nooo, BAD Lucky! Yes, it may be classic in theory, but have they actually seen it on people? And believe me, it hasn't looked decent on a single person I've seen sporting it thus far. Oh Lucky, you're disappointing me! I expected so much more!

And the, to add insult to injury, it pops up in an ad on my Yahoo! homepage! I can't get away!!! I'm going to start having plastic silver nightmares!

Please, in the name of all this good and stylish, stay away from this jacket! Stay far far away!!!

tip your cap

Oh yes, it's another must-have on Sara's list. A list which is suprisingly longer than I ever realized.

But this topic is no joke. This is my oh-so-serious entry.

Today's must-have item is: a Boston Red Sox hat.

There are a million and one reasons why EVERY person should own a Red Sox hat, and if you live in the city of Boston, I won't even begin to waste my time by explaining those reasons to you. Do yourself a favor and get off the computer and go down to the closest store and pick one up The start at $5 and peak at god-knows-what. You can afford one, I have faith in you.

Not only are you hiding your bad hair day, but you're supporting the home town team with an item you don't ever need an excuse to wear. Like the college sweatshirt, beantown caps go with everything- you can't go wrong even if you try. But more importantly, they not only match, but you are encouraged to wear them with crazy outfits! Prom dressed, pajamas, workout clothing, day-to-day outfits, professional attire- your Sox hat matches it all!

Other teams have tried for that authentic, dirty beantown look and feel, but none have succeeded like the Red Sox.

Even the homeless people on the streets of Boston have them! I'm serious here, you have NO excuse!

Wear a different team and I promise you'll be heckled. I don't even want to talk about the possibility of wearing a Yankees one- let's put it this way: my roommate had one. HAD. She still hasn't noticed that I threw it out the window. You think I'm kidding.

Another sad but true fact: I have around 30 of them. Every shape, size, color, make, model and idea. I actually got suprised when I saw someone with one I didn't have/hadn't stopped myself from buying the other day. Turns out he was a partner in the Red Sox organization and the one on his head was one of three made. That didn't stop me from trying to steal it, of course, but needless to say I failed miserably.

Like parents with their children, I try not to play favorites with my hats. But who can help it.

My obvious favorites are my authentic beantown caps. I've bought one for each new season for the past few years, and I like to think it brings my boys luck from afar. The newest is a white and green hat with two shamrocks surrounding the B. I love it, SO cute, and I love representing my Irish heritage.

Another favorite is my bright orange one, which I unfortunately don't have a picture of. It's safe and sound at my home in Rhode Island, of the way of crushing college furniture and disgruntle roommates. I bought it off a cart in Hampton Beach, NH for $5.00, clearly for it's unique look. I've still yet to see another like it. My goal for this hat is to have Lenny Dinardo, my BoSox boyfriend, scribble his name on the brim. He has yet to know this information, but don't worry, he'll find out.

My "official" World Series 2004 hat is another obvious favorite. Not only is it linked to one of the greatest moments of my life (along with baseball history) but I consider the purchase of the hat a personal victory. Stores all over New England were sold out of this exact hat the next day, must to my dismay. I literally drove all over the state of RI (I know I know- it's not THAT far a drive) in search of my beloved hat, dying to share with my BoSox the same fashion statement. Well, after giving up, I finally learned to use eBay. $45.00 + S&H bought my my beloved World Series hat- one which I could have bought in the stores the very next week for only $20- $25. But it's not about the money, it's about the victory. My personel victory, the team victory, and my never-dying devotion to my boys. (Or obsession...Whichever)

There are a bigillion other stores, but I promise not to bore you. All I want you to take away from this is the fact that yes, even YOU need to own a Red Sox hat! So what are you waiting for? Go, shoo, scat, move!!!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

avatars? c'mon people

Ok, so I need to rant and rave (not that I'VE ever been known to rant and rave) but I gotta ask...what are avatars?!

Those of you who have yahoo know what I'm talking about.

Those of your with yahoo who are, undoubtedly, more intelligent than I and who haven't bothered to waste their time with this quirky feature may not know, but keep up kiddo, you'll catch on.

Ok, so in short, avatars are these little faces that welcome you into your yahoo account. they're also used for yahoo instant messenger, and are shown to the person you're talking to (supposedly to give them some idea of who/what they're talking to, I guess).

But does anyone else see these images as a major blow to their self-esteem?!

I mean, c'mon. Ok, first of all, they little animated people are all hot. Of course. Do any of us really look like those? Take me, for example.

See any similarities? Apart from the fact they we both wear hats, and I SHOULD be standing in front of a ballpark, we're not quite the same. One drunken night I created that little image, and it has stuck ever since. I can't figure out how to nix it.

Which, I gotta say, is probably worse.

If you never stumbled upon this person-creating-dohickey, you're missing out....Literally. Your image looks something like this.

As if we don't feel sketchy enough communicating with strangers via Yahoo! Now we actually have a symbol that says, "yes, I'm not only on a sketchy website, but am pretty damn sketchy myself- even my self portrait is nothing BUT a shadow!"

It's a lose-lose situation.

And for those strangers who DO have these little pictures, you just have to wonder. Ok, first of all, they've taken the time to make one....Internet geek. (Present company excluded, of course- drunken computer access is removed from the record, it says so somewhere in the Constitution.) And if you're flirting with someone who you THINK is a hot guy, just because his little avatar is hot, you're defiantly wrong.

Which brings me to my main point: people should not be able to create these animated images of themselves. We should be fair, and honest, to one another, and yahoo should create an image FOR us, based upon a personality test. And not one with questions like "favorite colo?r" or "favorite food?" They should be REAL questions, like "how many hours do you spend on the internet/night?" or "have you ever dated someone 35 years your senior?" Internet predators and star wars geeks could not conceal their identities when faced with questions like "what does ttys or a/s/l stand for?" or "how many ewoks, total, appear on screen in star wars?"

The answers to these questions would give us accurate depictions of our cyber buddies, and the internet would be a whole heck of a lot safer. I think the average cybergeek would start to look like


True, some of these portraits may scare away the late night 13-yr-olds looking to cyber, but I think the greater internet community would be safer.

Ok, trying to stick with my style topic...well, it's about how you look, isn't it? How other people view you? And it's a free service, so it's perfect for broke college hence, this pertains perfectly to my blog.

Oh, and Yahoo! me about this personality test idea. We'll talk.

all natural baby

So, I have this weird way of making the first day of spring. It is by no means scientifically proven, nor tested by large groups of preteens for accuracy. And, as far as I know, I'm the only person on the face of the Earth who does it.

The first day of spring is, officially, the first day I let my hair airdry outdoors.

I know...weird, right? I mean, by my standards, that makes Orlando's first day of spring (for 2006) January 1st, 2006. And Eskimos will NEVER have spring- or at least, we hope global warning doesn't get to that. But here, in lil ol' Boston, the first day of spring is marked as the day I have the frizzest hair within a 100 mile radius.

But honestly- what deals better than towel drying your hair, running a little mouse or styling gel through it, and stepping out into the warm sunlight? The mere feelings of that natural warmth just warms your whole body and makes you feel rejuvinated and fresh. Many shampoos will advertise that feeling, but none will actually produce.

Hair dryers are harsh and always too hot. I, for one, am a person who always uses the "cold" button. Artificial heat dries out your scalp, burns your hair and gets your cheeks pinker than any bad blush sold at CVS. And what's worse than running your fingers through your newly dried hair, only to BURN your hand on the top of your do! It hurts, believe me.

No, there are few sensations better than just bopping around Boston, taking the nice weather in and celebrating spring (if that isn't TOO cheesey a line). Afterall, the natural way is usually, if not always, better than artificial.


Ok, fine, I'll admit it. Spring just gives me an excuse to be lazier than usual and let my hair air dry on the way to class, hence giving me 10 extra minutes to sleep. But my other reasons were good too.

Thursday, April 06, 2006


Ok, I've been meaning to tell you this story for a while....

So I walked down to CVS on Mass Ave the other day, all proud of myself for actually having put more than a little effort into my outfit. I thought I looked pretty cute- I was even in my "skinny jeans," sporting my new boots and blazer, and just felt like someone who had stepped out of InStyle Magazine. Needless to say, I felt good.

So I, being my cocky and confident self for the moment, walk up to the counter at CVS and am clearly eyeballed by"elderly" woman (and when I say "elderly," I mean it in a she's-going-to-say-whatever-the-hell-she-wants-and-not-care-about-what-you-young-whippersnappers-think).

"Now, I don't mean to offend you," she says, "but you look like a horseback rider."

I just smile and laugh it off, but she's kind of peering at me from over the tops of her glasses, again examining my outfit.

"Do you ride horses?"

Somehow I doubt I'll ever wear that outfit again.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Wearing cute underwear is one of the most important aspects of being a woman. And no, it's not for the reason you think.

Have I got a story for you.

So I'm having a group meeting at my apartment for my Journalism 3 class project the other day- a group composed of myself, another female classmate, and two guys. So we're sitting in my room, just sort of talking, everyone naturally totally engrossed in what they were saying and not listening to anything else.

Then, for some unknown reason, I put my hands to my chest- I think I was trying to emphasize a point or something. So I place my hands there, and feel something under my Beetles t-shirt. Curious, I pull on the collar and peer down, temporarily forgetting all about the three others in my room. Still not sure what I just was feeling, I reach down my shirt...and pull out a pair of bright blue panties.

I almost died.

Naturally, by this point, I've caught the attention of all three of my group member- all who burst out laughing.

"You're like a magician!!!" one of the guys exclaims, "What else have you got down there?!"

Even though this only happened a few days ago, I've already begun to repress the memory, so therefore have no recollection of how I did it, but I somehow managed to pass it off as a shirt.

This still didn't explain a whole lot- like how I could have had a shirt down my shirt the entire day and not noticed- but at least it wasn't as bad as the guys knowing it was a pair of panties.
My question is, how did those panties get down there? And how did I not notice them until 11 o'clock at night? And why, of all things, was it my bright blue underwear? These questions may go down in history with the purpose of Stone Henge or how the pyramids were built. I may never come up with an answer, but it's an experience I'll never forget...

And I have a feeling that neither will my group.

Monday, April 03, 2006

the north face

So I wake up on this "spring-ish" Boston morning, the birds chirping, the college kids screaming, the sun shining through the blinds- and my room freezing.

I'm talking freeeeeezing.

(How is it that, even when we know it's warm outside, that first step out of bed never fails to sends chills up our spines?)

Anyways, it's so cold because I'm forced to get up early for a day of training. I figure that I have to look presentable, but still, I'm freezing! With the knowledge that this weekend is supposed to remain in the 50s and 60s, I know right off the bat that a sweater for the day is a bad idea. And wasn't I the one who just rambled about the season for long coats being SO over? Unfortunately for me, my long pea coats are the only jackets I have- those, and my down vest (which is way too casual to sport over a black button-down shirt). So what do I do?

Well, lucky for me, it was just warm enough to get away with my corduroy blazer. The Fens were a little windy for my taste, but clearly, I made it though my morning walk alive.

This experience, and numerous other New England mornings like this one, made an important fact clear: I need a spring jacket. Time to stop preaching about my favorites from Target and Gap and actually go out and buy one.

Now, being in college, and being in Boston, I realize I really don't have the money to buy my fancy trench coat just yet, as Target seems to be between seasons (aka picked over). So, carefully considering my situation, I come up with the obvious answer: I need a practical and light jacket which can be worn with anything from sweatpants to pinstriped slacks. Very few items, not even the college sweatshirt, can pass as this type of item.

The I remember The North Face.

The North Face fleece jackets are a staple on college campuses. They're light-weight, easy to store, good quality, easy to clean, and most importantly, WARM. So I decided to reward myself for working so gosh-darn hard over these past few weeks and take a trip up to Newbury Street.

Now, I'll admit, I thought this was going to be easy. I figured that as soon as I stepped into the The North Face store, the famous fleece jacket would pop out at me immediately, and all would be right in the world. Of course, that wasn't exactly the case.

The North Face, a famous brand for active outerwear with a nearly spotless reputation, has a HUGE selection. I'm not exactly complaining. Anything you can think of, whether it be attire for Yoga classes or hard-core hiking gear, can be found in that store. Talk about something even I didn't expect. They even have shoes!

But back to my jacket search.

After about 20 minutes of comparing fleeces (ok...price tags) I found the one I was looking for. $79.00, all fleece, light-weight and advertised by the salesman as "easy to stuff away when it gets too warm to wear it" was my ideal spring jacket. But which color? Again, I've only seen the black around campus. They also come in light purple, light blue and cream (and that was just what I saw).

And might I add just SO cute and comfortable.

I practically skipped home with my new purchase, fully in love already with my new fleece. $79 was a bit steep for a broke college kid, but hey, it was worth it.

As soon as I got home, I naturally ripped it from the bag, posing with it on in front of the mirror and generally dancing around the room. I loved it. It couldn't be more perfect-

Then I stuck my hands in the pockets.

The deep pockets.

The deep fleece-lined pockets.

Is there anything better than warm, deep pockets? Oh, I don't think so.

"So this is love....hmm-hmmmm-hmmm-hmm...."



the below post will make me seem full of myself. please be advised that this is not usually the case.
thank you.
legal disclosure: sara is not usually this cocky of a person, but the blog entry was made in spirit of showing the hats. upon further observation, she noticed that there were far too many photos of her face, but felt the entry would not have the same effect without the selected showings of the hats in action. it is not lawful to judge, hate, obsess, stalk or gossip about sara.

hats off


Hats hats hats hats hats.

I love hats.

(If you hadn't gathered that already)

I have an obsession with them, one only rivaled by my obvious shoe fetish. I incorporate them into almost every outfit, regardless of the weather, and really are the one accessory which goes with everything! (According to me, at least)

Not enough time to do your hair? Throw on a hat. Cold outside? Throw on a hat. Bad hair day? Throw on a hat. Too sunny outside? Throw on a hat. Wind threatening to destroy your hair? Throw on a hat. Raining? Throw on a hat. Need a little something to top off the outfit? Throw on a hat. Want to look extra trendy? Throw on a hat. Misty outside, meaning your hair will turn into a ball of frizz? Throw on a hat....

And, trust me, the list keeps going.

Now, don't get me wrong- I know hats aren't for everyone, but I am SUCH a hat person. Red Sox caps in the spring, wool hats in the fall and winter, beanies to concerts, floppy hats to the beach- again, the list never ends. The only time I don't wear a hat is when either giant to a fancy dinner or I have to look professional. Other than that, a hat basically tops off every outfit.

And I own SO many! I'm not gonna lie, my collection must be in the 50s by now. Red Sox caps are a personal favorite- I have an extravagant and unique collection. To give you an idea, just know that I've purchased a different "beantown cap" (almost the same hat) for the start of every new season since 2002.

I've almost made it a hobby within a hobby. I even have a neon orange one- my goal in life is to get that one signed by the players. But more on that later.

Take a look at almost every photo of me on my blog- if you can see my head, I'm almost always covering it with a hat.

I have my signature wool cabbies which I am known for on my campus tours.

I also about four different versions of that trendy, "dark little coffee shop"-ish cabbie.

corduroy caps.

Denim hats.

Trucker hats.

Cowboy hats.

All my crazy party hats, from the infamous "anything goes but clothes" top hat...

...which first appeared on Halloween... New Year's crowns... my St. Patrick's Day bowler.

Being a total goof with my friend and his work costume.... wishing we were in the "red hat club"....

...or even trying out Halloween decorations.

(ya look great, Ali)

And the list, again, goes on. But I'll spare you the rest of the collection...

Some people would say I'm lazy, others than I'm obsessive. Either way, my hat collection is one of the treasures of my wardrobe, and can be seen in almost every outfit. So next time you have NO clue what to wear, or your hair just doesn't feel like working, go for a hat. Nothing can be too over-the-top, nothing too crazy. Take a chance with your style, and maybe it'll be "hats off!" to you too!

Sunday, April 02, 2006


Is it bad that I am now comparing my outfits to beer?

Ok, maybe just one outfit- but I needed to justify this combination of black and brown. It's different, a little risky and usually a "fashion don't-" but honestly, I think it works.

" of all and brown together...ehhh i dont know about
(my friend annyssa left me this love on facebook)

The gold belt (which I promise looks better when I'm not posing like such a dork) is what pulls the whole thing together. It matches the gold stitching in the black hat, while the brown shirt matches the wood bracelet. Not to mention the color of my hair, a constantly changing combination of blonde, brown and red- the outfit helps to bring out my natural colors.

And it clearly works as a good outfit for nights out- I blend in when I stand next to the bar!

I don't know, I like it...